Abu simbel Of Ramses II

Facade of  the Temple of Abu Simbel in Aswan founded by Ramsis II  19th dynasty , this temple has been associated with many astronomical phenomena, such as the Sun in the King's birthday and the day of his coronation, this temple of temples was threatened with drowning.
In the 1970s the UNESCO Nubia salvage project was to cut up the temple to boulders and moved to higher  ground away from the Nile flood.

A lot of people interested with the knowledge of the Egyptian antiquities say the temple of Abu Simbel finest Egyptian temples at all, because of its exquisite design drill inside the mountain, and the front of the temple 
.represents the four huge statues of King Ramses II sitting,

The construction of the temple complex at about 1244 BC and lasted for almost 21 years, until 1223 BC. Known as "Ramses Temple" beloved by Amun ", and it was one of six rock temples in Nubia, which took place during the reign of Ramses II. The purpose of which is signed by the influence of neighboring countries in southern Egypt, and also to enhance the status of Egyptian religion in the region. Historians say that the design of Abu Simbel expresses something of the pride of Ramses II. differ from Abu Simbel Abu Simbel mentioned displacement, which is an extension of Abu Simbel tourist but located about 366 kilometers south of Aswan

A photo showing the temple of Abu Simbel directly on the bank of the River Nile
